Doing business in San Francisco can be a great decision since the city has a stable job market and economy on the rise. It is also one of the most diverse cities in the USA, so it is a great place for many different areas of business. However, before you decide to move or start your business in SF, you will need a place from where you will be doing your job. Finding the right one can be tricky. That is why you need our advice. We can help you learn everything there is to know in order to find office space for your San Francisco business. Also, you can hire San Francisco movers who will help you have a quick and efficient commercial relocation. Keep reading and soon you will have your place for doing business in SF.
What are the basic requirements when you want to find office space for your San Francisco business?
Wherever you want to start your business, there are some basic requirements every office space needs to satisfy in order to be good for you doing business. Of course, depending on the type of business, those requirements can vary. Nevertheless, before you hire some of the best office movers San Francisco has to offer to help you relocate, you need to find that perfect office. Some of the factors you should take into consideration are:
- the location;
- the size;
- amenities.
Choose the location wisely
You may think that for your SF business to start to flourish, having a nice-looking office would be enough. It is an advantage certainly. If you prefer places that look luxurious, you can even hire piano movers San Francisco and have a piano transferred to your new space in SF. That would certainly add an interesting note. However, that is not enough, and before you even get to that point, you need to find an office that has the appropriate location. The location depends on the type of your business.
If you need people to stop by, then you need your office to be in an area where the traffic is busy, but they also have where to park. At the same time, it should be easily accessible for pedestrians too. On the other hand, if you are going to have a lot of deliveries and you need clear space in front of your office, you should think about that too. One of the best ways to find an office in a location that will meet all of your needs is to find a real estate broker in San Francisco. They will know what spaces are listed, and the price, and can negotiate the conditions on your behalf.
Determine the size
Once again, the size of your office in San Francisco will depend on your needs and your area of business. Generally speaking, approximately 75 square feet per person is considered to be enough space. However, depending on the size of your business and the number of employees you have, this can vary. For example, if your area of expertise is sales, technology, and similar businesses, you will need 70-150 square feet per person, since they will have open-space offices and desks in a row. On the other hand, if you have a law firm, where people need privacy with their clients, 200 to 500 square feet per employee will be needed since they must have comfortable big offices.
Choose the proximity of certain amenities
To find office space for your San Francisco business, you have to know what amenities you want nearby. Coffee shops, big markets or restaurants are needed nearby if your employees live in the other part of the city and need to use their break as best as they can. Sometimes, interesting shops where people stop by can be an advantage. That way, people may pay attention to your business too. Choose the facilities that are essential for your property and those that are desirable but not essential. The amenities offered and your budget will probably need to be balanced. Maintaining the affordability of the business premises, it can entail giving up certain amenities.
Plan the budget before you start your search
Determining the moving budget is one of the first steps, no matter whether you want to move your business, expand it, or start from scratch. Your budget will have to include the cost of moving services, the cost of additional services, and money for buying new furniture, if necessary. Most importantly, decide whether you want to rent a space or buy it. In both cases, you will need a considerable amount of money.
Also, consider the cost of additional moving services we have already mentioned. For example, you might need packing and moving services San Francisco, and not just moving. This is advisable. When moving an office, you will probably have a lot of bulky furniture, computers, important data, etc. It will be much less time-consuming and less stress-causing to hire professionals and let them take care of this part of your relocation.
What are the average office rental prices in San Francisco?
To plan your budget, you need to know what are the usual prices of offices for rent in San Francisco. Of course, it all depends on the factors we have already mentioned, especially the location and the size. Nevertheless, the average rent is $66.52 per square foot. More precisely, a 921-square-foot space would cost $5000 per month. To describe it even more to you, the space of that size is enough for 10 people to work there.
Finding an office space in SF is not a complicated process
As you can see, when you want to find office space for your San Francisco business, all you need is to know the requirements of your business well. It should be planned and there are some things to think about, indeed. However, if you follow our advice, there will be no issues. Even if you are short on time and don’t have time to plan your business relocation, we also have a solution. There are last minute movers San Francisco who will be at your disposal. With them, you will be ready to enjoy your new office space in no time.